Building Strong Brand Foundations In Big “Storms”

By Huynh Thi Xuan Lien - 12 Dec 2020 - eVMS 5.0 VMA

Ladies and Geltlemen, Friends, brothers and sisters.

Im very happy to have some small sharing here with eVMS 5.0 this year, in a very special format of Vietnam Marketing Association VMA.
2020 has been a too special year for all of us, that we have to pause, think, rethink and have our
own decisions what are really important matters for all of us.
In this presentatiion, I would like to share some key short thinkings on how we Marketers should
build our brands. And I think these are the fundamentals for us to build a strong brand, esp in this
pandemic time. This is my personal thinkings as well as the key sharings/ headlines that I had chance to listen to other respected speakers or articles. As the format will be just slide sharing, I will add a bit more wordings and reference so that everyone can follow easier.
Hope it provides some useful perspectives to you.

All the best, Xuan Lien.

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